Then there's the ones with something of a bee in their bonnets, shading all the way up to the ones who are, frankly, obsessed—I mean Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich there's only so many hours one can devote...
Then there are the people whose item of interest has that slightly more urgent a grip upon their minds, a compulsive, unforgettable, compelling, all-embracing matter that holds their attention approaching 100% of the time; a thing which for them is almost a physiochemical necessity...
No spaj is left in this vehicle overnight.
The whole gang view the sign
and Roddy puts the case
that this is what they have to say
to stop you breaking in. He finds a brick
but there's wire mesh
inside the van's rear window.
Rod is no philosopher
but if he was, he would call it an axiom:
There is always mesh between you
and a place where spaj might be.
Lisa's twenty-three and feels
that she should live more cleanly
at this time, but the need for spaj is refined.
She's invested much in making it so,
hours of evenings devoted
to chasing freak-angels.
When she didn't have them,
she looked, and when she wasn't looking,
she discussed the matter,
or thought on it.
She's had to stop reading the leaflets which say:
Exposure to spaj during pregnancy
can harm your unborn child.
Wendy isn't beyond begging,
or bargaining with sex
but none of the gang
on the loitering corner
is any better fixed.
In her head, she is a philosopher
but her thoughts at length have shown
there are days that are nowhere
and life's just like that. She stands back,
smokes, and leans on a poster reading:
Spaj—just say no.
With which Ed can't agree, he's always known
a craving. Even before he tried it and even before
he heard the word. He remembers
a day...
...a day as a child
in geography class. The substitute teacher
leaned across the board
with a curve of her arm
and the chalk broke—ping—
on the "a" in "continental". There was dust
in the beam of stuffy sunlight,
on the swell of her blouse.
It was pure spaj.
A police spokesman said it had a street value
of twenty-five million pounds.
No spaj is left in this vehicle overnight.
The whole gang view the sign
and Roddy puts the case
that this is what they have to say
to stop you breaking in. He finds a brick
but there's wire mesh
inside the van's rear window.
Rod is no philosopher
but if he was, he would call it an axiom:
There is always mesh between you
and a place where spaj might be.
Lisa's twenty-three and feels
that she should live more cleanly
at this time, but the need for spaj is refined.
She's invested much in making it so,
hours of evenings devoted
to chasing freak-angels.
When she didn't have them,
she looked, and when she wasn't looking,
she discussed the matter,
or thought on it.
She's had to stop reading the leaflets which say:
Exposure to spaj during pregnancy
can harm your unborn child.
Wendy isn't beyond begging,
or bargaining with sex
but none of the gang
on the loitering corner
is any better fixed.
In her head, she is a philosopher
but her thoughts at length have shown
there are days that are nowhere
and life's just like that. She stands back,
smokes, and leans on a poster reading:
Spaj—just say no.
With which Ed can't agree, he's always known
a craving. Even before he tried it and even before
he heard the word. He remembers
a day...
...a day as a child
in geography class. The substitute teacher
leaned across the board
with a curve of her arm
and the chalk broke—ping—
on the "a" in "continental". There was dust
in the beam of stuffy sunlight,
on the swell of her blouse.
It was pure spaj.
A police spokesman said it had a street value
of twenty-five million pounds.