
The guide to nine utopias - V - Emotional

The guide to nine utopias

V -- Emotional

My therapist's receptionist's name label
says: Hi, my other self is Kristin,
and I am Jane.
She's cataleptic; unable
to show that she's at home--no analyst in
the place either. I scratch my appointment
from in her book and go to look for group
up on the seventh floor. It's poignant
how I now recognise each different troupe

of troubled patients from the varied wails
that leak out of their room. Such sordid tales
I've told and heard behind these doors. Touching
ones as well of course but, oddly, I clutch
the most disturbing ones--collect them. Sad
but I'm well adjusted to the slightly mad.


The guide to nine utopias - IV - Economic

The guide to nine utopias

IV -- Economic

A small minority of customers
have never taken up a special offer
of any sort. Not even when preferred
and given one-time ultimate no-bother
saving packs
at seventy-five percent
off the normal commission-free list price.
I mean, is this nice? I try not to resent
their uncooperativity. We've spiced

the deals as far as we're allowed. I'm proud
of our talents, but we're under a cloud
here; quotas are at risk. It is my life:
the science and art of sales. My lovely wife
won't hear the word "failure". We are undone,
so... in your sample case you'll find a gun...


The guide to nine utopias - III - Secure

The guide to nine utopias

III -- Secure

Police Surveillance Bureau Info Desk--
it is a long queue, isn't it? No surprise.
Why are you here then?... Yes, I think it's best
to let them know. They will find out, it's wise
to fill the forms in first--it's the camera
I'm here about. The one in our bedroom.
It didn't fuss my first wife--that was Anna--
but Julie hates it, says that when it zooms

it whines. I think it must be getting old.
It puts her off. My love-life's growing cold, so
I wondered if the cops could be persuaded
to let me pay for it to be upgraded...
Ah! Not long now, we'll reach the desk quite soon,
now that old guy's been dragged off by the goons.